by Betty (5-D-1)
I walked into the building and looked around. The crowd was small and I was glad, as I hate to have to wait in crowded rooms. I took the small card with the number on it and sat down. After lighting a cigarette I noticed that the number I had was 26. Then I heard the man call out, "Number 24" and I knew I wouldn't have long to wait.
I had a large envelope with all the information and other mat- erial I needed in it. I looked it over and arranged it so that I could have a clear picture in my mind when I went over it with the man behind the counter. I suddenly realized that someone was call- ing, "Number 26" so I got up and went toward the counter. approached it I noticed that he was quite a nice looking man, looked like he would be able to understand my problem.
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I laid the Government Form sheet in front of him and then I tried to explain to him that although I am not married and have no children, that I can't understand why I can't take an exemption for two people.
He replied, "But there is only you and that is only one exem ption.
I said, "You really don't understand, Sir. If you will look in the Instruction Sheet you will see that it says very clearly--if you provide more than $500 per year or half the support for someone else, then you can claim them as an exemption. Now since I pay for all of Tom's--"
He interrupted, "Who is Tom?"
"Tom is ME! "I told him.
"How can you be Tom, I thought you said this was your name-- pointing to the name on the form, he said, looking puzzled.
"You see
"That is what I am trying to tell you" I continued. Tom and I are the same person--that is we use the same body but we are different persons, if you see what I mean.
He bobbled his head in a sort of circle. I didn't know if that